"ooooom" "ooooom" "ooooom" - this was the mantra we repeatedly mumbled yesterday while we closed our eyes in meditation to end Day 1 of Pranic Healing seminar. I - no shall I say - most of us came to the seminar without knowing what we're into. It's like diving into a pool not knowing there's no water in it! Or it's like jumping into the ocean not knowing the water's too deep! Whichever way you'd want to look at it.
The seminar's free, sponsored by the school as part of our in-service training. Well, who doesn't want a freebie? However, for me, it's not entirely the reason. It's more of hey-everybody-should-attend case. So I came. I saw and - uhm-uhm-uhm...
What should I say?The intention of Pranic Healing seminar was good. It's an exercise for a healthy mind, body and soul. However, the timing for me was real bad. Yesterday, I needed to do two important things. It's real IMPORTANT!( so I'll keep it secret). When the Pranic Healing Master told us that we are not allowed to go out, my mind PANICked! I tried to calm down however to feel the "prana" - you know the good energy.
While closing our eyes and feeling for the warmth and the tingling sensation of the energy we were supposed to feel, my mind was busy planning how to sneak out during lunchtime and just return in time for the afternoon session. But I decided against it. I might be late - which the Master pointed out as a no-no. So, I told myself to stay the whole day and not to come back for Day 2. With this, my mind focused and I felt the rush of electrifying energy.
So, I missed Day 2 which is supposedly - today. I was able to do what I needed to do and - I went home today feeling happy! and - energized! That's why I was able to start my blog today - which I wanted to do ever since but couldn't get to start writing because my mind always goes - uhm- uhm-uhm...
But hey, without THAT Pranic Healing, this blog may just remain -uhmmmmmmm - BLANK!