My Little Prince
Two-year olds can sometimes be overbearing and at the same time - amusing. Once after kite-watching in a nearby school grounds, my two-year old asked me to draw a kite. I drew the usual diamond-shaped kite with tails. Gladly, I showed him my drawing. To my surprise, he protested and said emphatically, "That is not a kite!" I insisted, "It is!" A series of "It is!" and "It's not!" ensued. To end our heated exchange, I gave him a pencil and paper though I know all he could manage were scribbles. Feeling like I defeated him, I haughtily said, "Ok, you draw."
He gave me an I’ll-show-you-look, took the pencil and drew a dot on the topmost portion of the paper and a long wavering line from the dot down to the bottom part of the paper. "There, the kite flying up in the sky," he said, beaming. I didn't say anything but hugged my Little Prince.